Cutout Whispers

whitesmoke vapours
slither from a silver exhaust

drifting crystals churn
to a distant wind chime tune

secret fireflies dance
in a maelstrom of moonrain

gardens sparkle in champagne
while rent ghosts roam
dazzled by periwinkles
fractured on bisque pots

cutout whisper motes
float in between
mint and lady bugs




Playing with Couplets

If I could write couplets full of wit
I would have a fulsome wordsmith’s kit…


New Years’s Eve

I sip a cocktail laced with cream
Through time zones celebrations stream

I lift my flute to drink with you
Tiger lilies bloom here anew

For you, a white December night
For me, it’s summer’s pure delight

Yet the moon’s sliver in the sky
Watches each and every sigh


For dVerse

FormForAll – Couplets for the New Year